As a former small business owner, Kirkland Mayor and teacher, I understand the challenges facing our families and communities. During my time in the House of Representatives, I have led with collaboration and common sense to improve public safety, invest in affordable housing solutions, and support our kids and schools.

With your vote, I will continue advancing programs and policies that make our communities safer, help people in crisis, and address gun violence. I’ll keep fighting for expanded early learning and affordable child care. And I will always safeguard access to quality, affordable healthcare and reproductive rights.

“…the former schoolteacher and small business owner still adheres to the virtue that the best bills are crafted with contemplation and compromise and an eye to avoiding unintended consequences…the Washington Legislature needs more lawmakers like Springer…”

“Springer…deserves credit for a 2021 bill that poured $500 million over this decade into making the state more resistant to catastrophic wildfire…”

“…Springer is the best choice…”

Another Campaign Season

With ten campaigns under my belt I have knocked on more than 60,000 doors in the 45th District. Chances are I have met you at your door, at community events, town halls or candidate forums sometime in the past 18 years. THANK YOU for taking the time to chat with me regarding the issues and challenges important to you. I could not do my job without your willingness to share concerns with me.

During my time in the House of Representatives we have faced many challenges including the worst recession since the 1930’s, the McCleary K-12 funding crisis, rebuilding the 520 bridge, increasing homelessness across the state, not to mention an exploding opioid crisis. Then came COVID… I have always met these challenges head on. They are never solved in one session but require the willingness to stick to it year after year. If there is anything I learned from these challenge it is this…Don‘t give up, tough problems take time and perseverance. Listen closely, good ideas often come from unexpected places.

Today’s Challenges

While the challenges I mentioned above are real, the current political landscape requires a new focus.

Assuring Washington has comprehensive, common sense firearm regulation, access to healthcare for women who should always have the right to make their own decisions, and the right to vote without burdensome requirements is a challenge for today.

Raise your voice, contact me…but mostly…VOTE!

So, together let’s get at it.